Super Prayer Potions Summerised

10 Jun

Bonemeal.png + Prayer potion.PNG = Super prayer.png

Super prayer potions require level 94 Herblore to make and are made by grinding wyvern bones at the Ectofuntus in Mortanyia and adding them to a normal
Prayer potion (3). They yield 270 each.

At humanly rates you can:
Grind bones @ 300/hr
Mix potions @ 1800/hr

All Calculations are done based on 99 prayer.

Prayer potions restore 31 prayer points per dose
Super Prayer potions restore 41 prayer points per dose
Super restore potions restore 32 prayer points per dose

Prices subject to change. Click the link for more information on prices.

Prayer potions cost 77.47 GP per Prayer point
Super prayer potions cost 99.56 GP per Prayer point
Super restore potions cost 138.72 GP per Prayer point

It takes around 10 seconds to put an offer in for 1000 Prayer potion (4), which will restore 124,000 prayer points

It takes 5 hours and 26 minutes to buy 1333 prayer potion (3) & grind 1333 Wyvern bones & to mix 1333 super prayer potion & decant them.
This amounts to 5 hours and 26 minutes spent making 1000 Super prayer potions (4) which will restore 164,000 prayer points. Also, you will gain about 360k herblore xp (270 xp each).

It takes around 10 seconds to put an offer in for 1000 Super restore potion (4), which will restore 128,000 prayer points

Obviously, you are limited to trips by your inventory. Super prayer potions give much greater flexibility in devising inventory for bosses and slayer tasks.

You will be able to stay at bosses and slayer tasks approximately 25% longer if you use super prayer potions to restore your prayer. Super prayer potions would be worth it only if you spend more time banking and getting ready for trips then you do making the super potions.

Now, put in smaller scale terms for a task to task basis:

It takes 3 minutes and 18 seconds to make 10 super prayer restore potions that will restore 1640 prayer points

Alternatively it takes no time to buy 13.25 prayer potions that will restore 1705 prayer points

Personally I felt they were unnecessary  for slayer tasks as I can do any slayer task (including 250 dark beasts) in one trip without super prayer potions.
and actually finding out how much time it takes to make them really finalized my decision. All slayer tasks can be gotten to in less than 3 minutes (from Kuradal at least) if you are worried about not being able to finish a task without banking or without giving up a more useful familiar such as a healer or a combat familiar. The only place I could see them being of good use is extraordinarily high kill counts at Solo Bandos or Armadyl (40+ and 20+, respectively), since each trip requires a lengthy kill count and obviously more time spent in the boss room is less time spent banking.

For information on temporarilly boosting your Herblore level refer to my Temporary Boost guide!

I hope this helped you!


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Posted by on June 10, 2011 in Combat Guides, Misc Guides


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