Reddit Ragers!

01 Jul

Hey guys,

Recently I found out there was a “sub-reddit” for “RuneScape”

After navigating my way to the correct page and having monitored other “redditers” posts I began to realise the majority of the posts we’re either “begging” or “I’ve been hacked” then just a whole lot of abusive comments to follow… This really frustrated me, as the “RuneScape reddit” has so much potential, if only the posts we’re genuine, helpful or even interesting…

I then began to give it ago myself! My first post being on the double experience weekend of March 2010, the post was “Woot 94 Herblore!” I had immediate feedback! But wasn’t surprised to find that it was all negative, that I we’re boasting and if there we’re no screen shots then it didn’t happen? Surely if they we’re after proof they could simply check my adventures log. But no, just for the sake of an argument and trying to look clever over the internet they decided to rage at me.

Thus my genius idea! Having found that nearly every post on the “RuneScape reddit” had views and comments I decided why not use this to my advantage, as my goal was to generate traffic and views on my RuneScape blog. So I began to post catchy titles which all linked to pages on my blog! To my surprise the results we’re outstanding! Generating 461 views and 28 comments on my blog in less then 3 hours! And any abusive comments received I was able to remove, block or delete! So thank you Raging Redditers, for making my blog more popular throughout the internet! 🙂

Hope you enjoyed this!

1 Comment

Posted by on July 1, 2011 in About Me, Social Media


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One response to “Reddit Ragers!

  1. Alex / Rs Bits

    August 11, 2011 at 1:28 am

    lol nice. When I went in the runescape reddit section, it used to be a fun read, with many people who played from the early rsc days and others sharing some great stories and memories. I should check it out again.

    Congrats on the traffic rise too. 28 comments to only 468 views is an extremely good ratio. I think that you should have left even the negative comments too though. At least it’s not spam. When I get a one word or 2-3 words of negative comment i delete it because it just dosen’t add anything, but when i get a negative comment 1 line long or more I defenitely leave it and i suggest you do too. Not only it lets people speak their minds free from judgement but, it also creates debates which brings more comments. keep up the work !


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