Author Archives: RSN: Shropshire

About RSN: Shropshire

Matt Overton Aged: 18 A RuneScape blogger/ player sharing experience and storys with the rest of the RuneScape community.

Temporary Boost – Herblore

Really want Overloads? Too expensive to get 96? Can afford 91? No worries, there’s a way you can make your Overloads with just 91 Herblore! It’s simple really, but there’s a few tricks you can do to make it even easier.

Step 1: Have your Extreme Sets and Torstal herbs ready in your bank.

Clean torstol + Extreme attack + Extreme strength + Extreme defence + Extreme magic + Extreme ranging = Overload 3.png

Step 2: Obtain or withdraw your Hell Kitten (Hellcat or Wily Hellcats also work).

Step 3:
Purchase normal stews from the Grand Exchange.
Step 4: Make your way to Evil Dave’s basement west of Edgeville telespot, (glory teleport).
Evil Dave's location.png
Step 5: Drop down into Evil Dave’s basement and send your Hellcat off to kill rats. Loot all brown spices.
Step 6: Once you’ve obtained all the brown spices you want to make your way to the bank and add (3 doses) of spice to each stew.
   +    Spicy Stew.PNG=      Herblore detail.pngBoost
Step 7: Once your all sorted bank everything, and withdraw:
1 Spicy stew (mixed with 3 doses of brown spice)
1 Super restore potion (reset your stats after a failed boost)
4 Torstal herbs
4 Extreme attack potion
4 Extreme strength potion
4 Extreme defence potion
4 Extreme ranging potion
4 Extreme magic potion
After that simply drink the Spicy Stew untill you receive a +6 herblore boost. If your stats are lowered from drinking the stew use your super restore potion to reset your stats, repeat untill you get the correct boost.

Step 8:

After gaining your +6 herblore boost you want to keep it for as long as possible in order to get all of your potions made.

  • Use Berserker Prayer (curse spell) to make boost last longer.

  • Finally remove your bank pin, after every four Overloads you make you need to log into the lobby then log back in, this resets the timer on your boosted statistic, be sure that when you log back in you activate “Berserker” and make the next four Overloads as fast as you can.
Last Logged In Status.jpg
And there you have it I hope this covered everything! Good luck on getting those Overloads!
Overload (4) Overload (3) Overload (2) Overload (1)
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Posted by on June 8, 2011 in Combat Guides, Misc Guides


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New Poll – Vote!

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Posted by on June 8, 2011 in Other Polls


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June 2011 Update

This official news post is copyrighted by Jagex. It is a direct quote from the RuneScape website.
This update was added on 1 June 2011.

Read my review to this update here: My Review June 2011

Eager to try out a new item slot? Forget rings, quivers or shoe slots: if you’re fashionable you’ll want an aura slot! Before the release of these buffing items, there’ll be two other updates in which you’ll have to overcome some imposing obstacles: a sea monster in our newest master quest, and a troll invasion in a new distraction and diversion.

Deadliest Catch (members)

This month’s master quest will ring bells for anyone interested in the guaranteed content polls. As named by you, the sea monster Thalassus has been terrorising the cold and inhospitable oceans to the north. No one has survived to sketch a picture of this hulking beast, but the inns are full of rumours: Thalassus is the size of the Wizards’ Tower, they say; sailors are eaten and digested while still alive in its belly.

Fisherman Jones wants to end the scare stories by landing the beast (gaining a little glory in the process). To join him, you’ll need a Fishing level of 70, a Hunter level of 67 and a Thieving level of 60, and there’s wieldable fishing nets on offer, and a range of bank deposit boxes to unlock if you do. The quest also offers you the opportunity to embark ten more times for additional Hunter XP, should you prove to be an enviable harpooner.

Troll Invasion (members)

Forget forum trolls: if you want a real nuisance, you can’t beat the real thing! Trolls are swarming down the hills of Burthorpe and are threatening to lay waste to any imperial guard that gets in their way. Who can stop them? Well, you, of course, but in two very different ways. This month’s single-player distraction and diversion allows you to choose between taking the trolls on in straight combat, or tending the defences that hold them back. Better still, there are no requirements to do so.

Take to the battlefield and you will face 20 waves of increasingly belligerent trolls, from the common mountain troll to the summoning troll, dynamite troll and Cliff, who – you’ve probably guessed – ate an entire cliff face for his first meal. If that proves too easy, there’s a more intense 7 wave version to conquer, which has an increased difficulty level.

For the skill-focussed among you, there is the option of keeping the gatehouse maintained instead. Tend to the ballista, top up the oil vats and repair broken barricades to keep the trolls from being successful. Your actions will increase the morale of the troops, who will fight back with increased vigour. Hold out for 10 minutes (the time it takes for a troll to get hungry for Burntmeat’s cooking) and the victory is yours. You will gain an XP tome for your first defence each month, and smaller XP rewards for any defence you complete after that.

Loyalty Rewards (members)

Last but not least, this month sees a huge selection of exciting rewards that you’ll be able to access through the Members Loyalty Program. Earn Loyalty Points to unlock a fantastic range of items, from custom titles to unique emotes, exclusive new costumes and amazing auras in a new player worn slot.

Don’t forget to register within the first two weeks of launch to take advantage of our introductory offers on the fantastic selection of rewards!

Have fun!

Mod Mark
RuneScape Lead Designer


Posted by on June 6, 2011 in Updates


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Fight Caves Guide

Firecapes. Everyone wants one, let’s be honest. But.. If your one of the many people who aren’t to sure about facing Jad and his disciples then fear no more! This guide will hopefully help, although this guide is for higher level players the strategy is the still same. Hope this helps enjoy my screen shots, :).

First of all, the setup. This is typically an extremely experienced players setup, who has access to soul split and extreme potions. (screen shot above of my stats) Although all of this can be replaced with normal prayers and normal potions.


Helmet – Pernix Cowl > Veracs Helm > Helm of Neitiznot

Platebody – Pernix Leather Top > Karils Leathertop > Black d’hide body

Platelegs – Pernix Leather Chaps > Karils Leatherskirt > Veracs Plateskirt > Black d’hide chaps

Gloves – Barrows Gloves > Mercenary’s Gloves > Vambraces

Boots – Ranger Boots > Dragon Boots > Snakeskin Boots

Ring – Archer’s Ring > Berserker Ring (Claw Method)

Shield – Spirit Shields > Dragonfire Shield > Zamorak Book

Weapon – Chaotic Crossbow > Rune Crossbow > Elf Crystal Bow > Karils Crossbow

Ammunition – Broad Bolts/ D Bolts > Broad Bolts/ Diamond Bolts

Obviously I’ve not covered all the possible armour setups these are just the few I’d use.


1 Overload > E/ Ranging Potion > E/ Strength Potion (claw method)

1 Extreme Range > Ranging Potion

6 Saradomin Brews

4 Super Prayer Potions > 4 Prayer Potions

14 Super Restore Potions

25 Dragon bolts (e)

1 Dragon Claws (claw method)

Information/ strategy:

The caves can take anywhere from forty minutes, to two and a half hours of continuous playing and a considerable number of potions depending on levels, supplies, and method. At 70-80 range, it can take from 90-120 minutes to complete; at 90+ Ranged it can take as little as just over an hour to get to TzTok-Jad; at 99 attack and strength, with the use of Overloads, turmoil and chaotic weaponry meleeing the entire way, it can take 35-50 minutes to complete. Logging out between waves can be done, but is risky. A good internet connection is also very helpful, as lag in the Fight Cave at the wrong moment can be deadly. Playing on a low-populated world decreases the chance of lag.

In the fight caves you’ll have to contend against monsters ranging from level 22-702 a copy of the monster list and waves can be found here: Fight Caves.

The strategy that works best is to locate yourself around “Italy Rock” at the end of every round and lure the monsters to you, here is Italy Rock…

As you can see by the picture I’m stock on the boot side of Italy Rock with the monsters stuck around the other side this allows me to relax and attack them in my own time. This positioning also applies for Jad (Level 702) but you can sometimes be unlucky with where he spawns.

If you’re using the dragon claw method this will be extremely useful for you, as when your protecting from magic on waves 30+ ( Level 360 Magics ) you’re going to want to take out the level 90 rangers as soon as possible here’s a picture of what to do with your claws 🙂

This method will cut your time down considerably and also you won’t lose as many life points.

So after using my strategy for almost 63 rounds your eventually going to get to Jad, on wave 62 you want to be hidden in the corner of Italy rock waiting for Jad to appear have either protect from magic or range on in case of bad spawn also be sure to be brewed and range/ strength potted before hand!


Jad uses the combat triangle (he uses three attack styles) you can easily avoid the combat attacks simply by standing away from him.

Magic: TzTok-Jad lowers his head while a ball of fire is created above his head – the player must turn on their prayer now. Then, the spell will be fired at the player. Once the ball is in the air, it’s too late. If you weren’t praying magic, you will be hit. The recommendation is to pray ranged defense, as this is his most common attack when he spawns, and to have auto-retaliate activated so that you can find him quickly to watch for his next attack.

Ranged: TzTok-Jad slams down his front legs onto the ground, and large cracks will appear in the floor at his feet – the player must turn on their prayer now. Though, by the time you hear the sound, it’s already too late. If you weren’t praying ranged, again you will be hit. (Which is why you need to pray ranged at the start) Next, a boulder will fall down on the player, which cannot be avoided by moving.

After doing your prayer switching and fireing your bolts for almost half Jads life points you’ll be introduced to a set of healers which will then restore Jads life points. To stop this process simply attack each of the healers to make them aggressive towards you, then, carry on with Jad. At this point if you’re using the Dragon Claw method you’ll want to special attack Jad here, then move away after each special attack.

Finally after a long day in the fight caves you’ll come away with your Firecape, 16k Tokkul and possibly an amusing image such as this one.. (shoulder ride anyone?)

I hope this guide has helped you in your search for a Firecape, if you have any questions or anything you’d like me to cover then please leave a comment.

This guide was requested to me by “Im_The_Torch”, I hope this helped you especially.



Posted by on June 6, 2011 in Combat Guides


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Poll, Vote now!


Posted by on June 6, 2011 in Combat Polls


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June 2011 – My Review

Loyalty banner.jpg
My review of the “Behind The Scenes 2011 June” update.
Read original June update here: June 2011 Update.

New Item Slot (Aura):
I believe this new item slot will unveil a whole new dimension to the game, allowing us to do things we’d never have imagined, although we’re still left in wonder about what an “Aura slot” is you can’t help but imagine the possibilities of this update.

New Master Quest (Deadliest Catch):
As many will already know in a poll released by Runescape the theme of this event was a vote option within the poll therefore, user-generated content vindicated the quest theme. From past experience with Master Quests I can only hope this quest is as trilling and excited as the last have been. I’m really looking forward to getting stuck in with this quest and the chance of receiving some luscious rewards?

Distraction and Diversion (Troll Invasion):
Ever since the first Distraction and Diversion back in September 2008, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed taking myself away from what I’m doing whether it be slayer, fletching, firemaking to take part in an event of which to reap some rewards. And after reading up on this one, I feel this could be the best one yet, with a plan similar to the “Fight Caves” this could be a really interesting and enjoyable event.

Loyalty Rewards/ System:
This part of the update I’m really having mixed views about I’m worried that existing members are going to be given the same privileges as newer members which could possibly result in in-game riots and forum rants. But the thought of adding to/ customizing your weapons makes your imagination run wild. I suppose we’ll have to just wait and see!

This review was debated and reviewed by both Matlocked and I Kingace I

I hope you found this interesting, stay tuned!


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Posted by on June 6, 2011 in Update Reviews


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Staking, one of the biggest most well-known activities in the game.. Since the early days of Runescape staking has made numerous amounts of people extremely rich!

Duelling: is a way for players to fight each other (with certain agreements). Staking is often used to make (or lose) huge amounts of cash in a short period of time.

A player can choose to have an empty arena or an arena with “obstacles”, this is more popular amongst rangers and magers, who can fire over the obstacles to hit their opponent from afar. Players can also choose to disable the following for the length of the duel:

  • Prayer
  • Special attacks
  • Potions
  • Food
  • Movement
  • Ranged attacks
  • Magic attacks
  • Melee attacks
  • Forfeit
  • Obstacles

More complex options are available, enabling a player to prevent certain items of armour or weaponry being used in the duel.

Fundamentally, Duelling is used mainly to settle disputes and earn/ lose huge amount of cash.

Other Information:

At the end of the duel, players are teleported out of the arena and have all their stats restored. Ammunition that would normally appear on the ground is returned to the player after the fight. The winner of the fight will receive both his own staked items and the staked items of his opponent. The special bar is also restored. If the player who won had boosted his stats with a potion, or with the dragon battle axe special, then those stats will remain boosted after the fight. However, the player who lost will get his stats returned to normal.

At the door is a scoreboard where players can see the last 50 duels to take place in the world, including the players levels, and the result.

Hope this was a good read, stay tuned!


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Posted by on June 6, 2011 in Combat PVP


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Chaotic Weapons

Since the release of Dungeoneering the Chaotic Weapons have been the number one reward, I myself since this update have believed that having a Chaotic Weapon is a MUST HAVE!

Now having reached 94 Dungeoneering, I’ve had experience with all the Melee weapon types.

Chaotic Rapier:
The Chaotic rapier is a one-handed stabbing weapon with one of the highest attack speeds within the game.

The rapier is very effective to NPC’s with a low stab defence (Dragons, Giants etc) making it the number one weapon for you slayer fiends out there.

It is also considered to be one of the strongest weapons in the game. Under perfect circumstances a chaotic rapier can hit a maximum of 811 in Castle Wars, 710 slaying in Kuradal’s Dungeon, and 616 elsewhere. In addition, the chaotic rapier is only one-handed, which gives it an advantage over the more commonly used Zamorakian spear, given the ability to wield a shield or defender.

Chaotic Longsword:
The chaotic long sword’s slash and strength bonuses are high enough that it is not only the strongest long sword in the game, but is also the strongest one-handed melee weapon in the game! And again being one-handed it gives the user the luxury of a shield for extra strength or defence bonus.
This weapon is commonly used by PVM (boss killers).

Chaotic Maul:
The chaotic maul currently has the highest strength and crush bonus for any weapon usable throughout Runescape!
The 155 strength bonus surpasses the previous record for highest strength bonus, held by the Godswords, by 23. While wearing the best strength-boosting gear, it is possible to achieve 205 strength bonus with this weapon. Under ideal circumstances, this weapon can hit up to 948 in Castle Wars, 862 against undead monsters (using salve amulet (e)) and 820 elsewhere.
This weapon can be used almost anywhere and hits extremely well on waterfiends and tormented demons.

My Verdict:
Having experienced all three weapons I genuinely believe it’s down to you, whatever it is on Runescape you enjoy doing one weapon will beat the other. I personally prefer the chaotic maul as conjoined with Turmoil and Overloads the hits and accuracy are almost un-beatable.

Vote for your favorite chaotic here: Chaotic Weapons Poll.

I really hope this information guide helped you, stay tuned for more!


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Posted by on June 6, 2011 in Combat Reviews


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Dice Game/ Gamble

I’ve played Runescape for a long time, and money has always been an issue up untill recently.. Since the return of the “Free Trade” gambling has hit a new high on Runescape, one of my favorites being the “Dice Game”.

The way this works is, a “Dice Bag” is purchased and dice are rolled. If the number is over a set number, the gamer wins. If it’s below, the host wins. The player is generally rewarded with 2x or 3x their money. This game requires you to join a groups friend chat in order to play, if you are going to partake in this activity make sure the person you are playing with has a high rank in that group. As there is a higher chance of being scammed by low ranked members. An alternative version of this game exists where the player must instead guess the result of dice roll (usually using the two ten-sided dice).

My personal experience with this gambling method are varied, not to long ago I was so annoyed and bored with the game I decided to gamble a large amount of money to see what happened to my surprise I actually won a pot of 80M! The thing I found with the dice game is knowing when to stop, if you have a big win it’s so important to stop while your ahead because things can go extremely bad!

Hope this was an interesting read for you guys!



Posted by on June 6, 2011 in Misc Guides


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Take Part In My First Poll!


Posted by on June 1, 2011 in Combat Polls, Polls


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