Tag Archives: boost herblore

Temporary Boost – Herblore

Really want Overloads? Too expensive to get 96? Can afford 91? No worries, there’s a way you can make your Overloads with just 91 Herblore! It’s simple really, but there’s a few tricks you can do to make it even easier.

Step 1: Have your Extreme Sets and Torstal herbs ready in your bank.

Clean torstol + Extreme attack + Extreme strength + Extreme defence + Extreme magic + Extreme ranging = Overload 3.png

Step 2: Obtain or withdraw your Hell Kitten (Hellcat or Wily Hellcats also work).

Step 3:
Purchase normal stews from the Grand Exchange.
Step 4: Make your way to Evil Dave’s basement west of Edgeville telespot, (glory teleport).
Evil Dave's location.png
Step 5: Drop down into Evil Dave’s basement and send your Hellcat off to kill rats. Loot all brown spices.
Step 6: Once you’ve obtained all the brown spices you want to make your way to the bank and add (3 doses) of spice to each stew.
   +    Spicy Stew.PNG=      Herblore detail.pngBoost
Step 7: Once your all sorted bank everything, and withdraw:
1 Spicy stew (mixed with 3 doses of brown spice)
1 Super restore potion (reset your stats after a failed boost)
4 Torstal herbs
4 Extreme attack potion
4 Extreme strength potion
4 Extreme defence potion
4 Extreme ranging potion
4 Extreme magic potion
After that simply drink the Spicy Stew untill you receive a +6 herblore boost. If your stats are lowered from drinking the stew use your super restore potion to reset your stats, repeat untill you get the correct boost.

Step 8:

After gaining your +6 herblore boost you want to keep it for as long as possible in order to get all of your potions made.

  • Use Berserker Prayer (curse spell) to make boost last longer.

  • Finally remove your bank pin, after every four Overloads you make you need to log into the lobby then log back in, this resets the timer on your boosted statistic, be sure that when you log back in you activate “Berserker” and make the next four Overloads as fast as you can.
Last Logged In Status.jpg
And there you have it I hope this covered everything! Good luck on getting those Overloads!
Overload (4) Overload (3) Overload (2) Overload (1)
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Posted by on June 8, 2011 in Combat Guides, Misc Guides


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