Tag Archives: Runescape bot

Botters Mate Like Rabbits

Botters are literally taking over, everywhere you go 90% of the time you’ll stumble upon a botter. It seems today there’s almost a bot for everything! But what seems to be one of the most common ones to me personally is the “Turoth Slayer” bot, take a look at this picture..

This picture was taken by my friend I Kingace I

As you can see, things have got a bit out of hand.. I can only presume the bots are here to make money. As Turoths drop good amounts of herbs making them a good source of cash. These bots in my opinion are the result of RWT (real-world-trading) I’d imagine these are the bots of RS gold websites of which they use to make the money which they sell on.

Surely this problem can be sorted? I don’t think botting could get anymore obvious then this…

If you know any other areas where botting is a big problem I’d be grateful if you posted below!

Hope you enjoyed,


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Posted by on June 10, 2011 in Combat Botters


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