Tag Archives: Runescape corp solo

Corporeal Beast (duo) – Slightly odd method

For long I’ve wanted to defeat the Corporeal Beast. And after countless Solo attempts I decided to accept the help of a friend (I Kingace I) collectively with our stats (Matlocked) we’ve adopted a method which seems to work pretty well, it allows us to keep the whole process reasonably cheap without the expense of Saradomin Brews.

The Method:

Firstly the two of us setup our inventories and armour slots to look like this..

From there we teleport using our Games Necklace, to the Corporeal beast. We then run through the open caves until we reach the door of the beast. From here we both pot up and lure the beast closer to where we’re standing.

Now, the person who didn’t lure the beast enters the room and sets up the required prayers. The beast won’t attack this person as it is only aggressive to the lurer at this point, when the beast is finally attacked by the non-lurer the fight will begin. (screenshot below showing the beast un-aggressive)

(Note: if all fighters leave the room of the Corporeal beast, it’s life points will be fully restored meaning one of us must remain in the boss room at all times.)

When the first fighter is running low on supplies the original lurer enters and begins to help, the person who is low on supplies, then teleports out to get another inventory of food while the other stays to fight, before quickly teleporting back. Having re-entered the boss room the roles are then reversed, each teleporting alternatively to restock ensuring the beast is never left alone, this is continued untill the beast is dead.

This method really does make the Corporeal beast look easy, it takes just a few minutes to kill and could be so profitable especially with the low costing supplies we use. Ryan and I shall continue to do this untill we recieve something amazing!

Hope you guys enjoyed this!



Posted by on June 13, 2011 in Combat Guides, Combat PVM


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