Tag Archives: Runescape jad

Fight Caves Guide

Firecapes. Everyone wants one, let’s be honest. But.. If your one of the many people who aren’t to sure about facing Jad and his disciples then fear no more! This guide will hopefully help, although this guide is for higher level players the strategy is the still same. Hope this helps enjoy my screen shots, :).

First of all, the setup. This is typically an extremely experienced players setup, who has access to soul split and extreme potions. (screen shot above of my stats) Although all of this can be replaced with normal prayers and normal potions.


Helmet – Pernix Cowl > Veracs Helm > Helm of Neitiznot

Platebody – Pernix Leather Top > Karils Leathertop > Black d’hide body

Platelegs – Pernix Leather Chaps > Karils Leatherskirt > Veracs Plateskirt > Black d’hide chaps

Gloves – Barrows Gloves > Mercenary’s Gloves > Vambraces

Boots – Ranger Boots > Dragon Boots > Snakeskin Boots

Ring – Archer’s Ring > Berserker Ring (Claw Method)

Shield – Spirit Shields > Dragonfire Shield > Zamorak Book

Weapon – Chaotic Crossbow > Rune Crossbow > Elf Crystal Bow > Karils Crossbow

Ammunition – Broad Bolts/ D Bolts > Broad Bolts/ Diamond Bolts

Obviously I’ve not covered all the possible armour setups these are just the few I’d use.


1 Overload > E/ Ranging Potion > E/ Strength Potion (claw method)

1 Extreme Range > Ranging Potion

6 Saradomin Brews

4 Super Prayer Potions > 4 Prayer Potions

14 Super Restore Potions

25 Dragon bolts (e)

1 Dragon Claws (claw method)

Information/ strategy:

The caves can take anywhere from forty minutes, to two and a half hours of continuous playing and a considerable number of potions depending on levels, supplies, and method. At 70-80 range, it can take from 90-120 minutes to complete; at 90+ Ranged it can take as little as just over an hour to get to TzTok-Jad; at 99 attack and strength, with the use of Overloads, turmoil and chaotic weaponry meleeing the entire way, it can take 35-50 minutes to complete. Logging out between waves can be done, but is risky. A good internet connection is also very helpful, as lag in the Fight Cave at the wrong moment can be deadly. Playing on a low-populated world decreases the chance of lag.

In the fight caves you’ll have to contend against monsters ranging from level 22-702 a copy of the monster list and waves can be found here: Fight Caves.

The strategy that works best is to locate yourself around “Italy Rock” at the end of every round and lure the monsters to you, here is Italy Rock…

As you can see by the picture I’m stock on the boot side of Italy Rock with the monsters stuck around the other side this allows me to relax and attack them in my own time. This positioning also applies for Jad (Level 702) but you can sometimes be unlucky with where he spawns.

If you’re using the dragon claw method this will be extremely useful for you, as when your protecting from magic on waves 30+ ( Level 360 Magics ) you’re going to want to take out the level 90 rangers as soon as possible here’s a picture of what to do with your claws 🙂

This method will cut your time down considerably and also you won’t lose as many life points.

So after using my strategy for almost 63 rounds your eventually going to get to Jad, on wave 62 you want to be hidden in the corner of Italy rock waiting for Jad to appear have either protect from magic or range on in case of bad spawn also be sure to be brewed and range/ strength potted before hand!


Jad uses the combat triangle (he uses three attack styles) you can easily avoid the combat attacks simply by standing away from him.

Magic: TzTok-Jad lowers his head while a ball of fire is created above his head – the player must turn on their prayer now. Then, the spell will be fired at the player. Once the ball is in the air, it’s too late. If you weren’t praying magic, you will be hit. The recommendation is to pray ranged defense, as this is his most common attack when he spawns, and to have auto-retaliate activated so that you can find him quickly to watch for his next attack.

Ranged: TzTok-Jad slams down his front legs onto the ground, and large cracks will appear in the floor at his feet – the player must turn on their prayer now. Though, by the time you hear the sound, it’s already too late. If you weren’t praying ranged, again you will be hit. (Which is why you need to pray ranged at the start) Next, a boulder will fall down on the player, which cannot be avoided by moving.

After doing your prayer switching and fireing your bolts for almost half Jads life points you’ll be introduced to a set of healers which will then restore Jads life points. To stop this process simply attack each of the healers to make them aggressive towards you, then, carry on with Jad. At this point if you’re using the Dragon Claw method you’ll want to special attack Jad here, then move away after each special attack.

Finally after a long day in the fight caves you’ll come away with your Firecape, 16k Tokkul and possibly an amusing image such as this one.. (shoulder ride anyone?)

I hope this guide has helped you in your search for a Firecape, if you have any questions or anything you’d like me to cover then please leave a comment.

This guide was requested to me by “Im_The_Torch”, I hope this helped you especially.



Posted by on June 6, 2011 in Combat Guides


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