Tag Archives: Runescape money making

Corporeal Beast (duo) – Slightly odd method

For long I’ve wanted to defeat the Corporeal Beast. And after countless Solo attempts I decided to accept the help of a friend (I Kingace I) collectively with our stats (Matlocked) we’ve adopted a method which seems to work pretty well, it allows us to keep the whole process reasonably cheap without the expense of Saradomin Brews.

The Method:

Firstly the two of us setup our inventories and armour slots to look like this..

From there we teleport using our Games Necklace, to the Corporeal beast. We then run through the open caves until we reach the door of the beast. From here we both pot up and lure the beast closer to where we’re standing.

Now, the person who didn’t lure the beast enters the room and sets up the required prayers. The beast won’t attack this person as it is only aggressive to the lurer at this point, when the beast is finally attacked by the non-lurer the fight will begin. (screenshot below showing the beast un-aggressive)

(Note: if all fighters leave the room of the Corporeal beast, it’s life points will be fully restored meaning one of us must remain in the boss room at all times.)

When the first fighter is running low on supplies the original lurer enters and begins to help, the person who is low on supplies, then teleports out to get another inventory of food while the other stays to fight, before quickly teleporting back. Having re-entered the boss room the roles are then reversed, each teleporting alternatively to restock ensuring the beast is never left alone, this is continued untill the beast is dead.

This method really does make the Corporeal beast look easy, it takes just a few minutes to kill and could be so profitable especially with the low costing supplies we use. Ryan and I shall continue to do this untill we recieve something amazing!

Hope you guys enjoyed this!



Posted by on June 13, 2011 in Combat Guides, Combat PVM


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Botters Mate Like Rabbits

Botters are literally taking over, everywhere you go 90% of the time you’ll stumble upon a botter. It seems today there’s almost a bot for everything! But what seems to be one of the most common ones to me personally is the “Turoth Slayer” bot, take a look at this picture..

This picture was taken by my friend I Kingace I

As you can see, things have got a bit out of hand.. I can only presume the bots are here to make money. As Turoths drop good amounts of herbs making them a good source of cash. These bots in my opinion are the result of RWT (real-world-trading) I’d imagine these are the bots of RS gold websites of which they use to make the money which they sell on.

Surely this problem can be sorted? I don’t think botting could get anymore obvious then this…

If you know any other areas where botting is a big problem I’d be grateful if you posted below!

Hope you enjoyed,


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Posted by on June 10, 2011 in Combat Botters


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Staking, one of the biggest most well-known activities in the game.. Since the early days of Runescape staking has made numerous amounts of people extremely rich!

Duelling: is a way for players to fight each other (with certain agreements). Staking is often used to make (or lose) huge amounts of cash in a short period of time.

A player can choose to have an empty arena or an arena with “obstacles”, this is more popular amongst rangers and magers, who can fire over the obstacles to hit their opponent from afar. Players can also choose to disable the following for the length of the duel:

  • Prayer
  • Special attacks
  • Potions
  • Food
  • Movement
  • Ranged attacks
  • Magic attacks
  • Melee attacks
  • Forfeit
  • Obstacles

More complex options are available, enabling a player to prevent certain items of armour or weaponry being used in the duel.

Fundamentally, Duelling is used mainly to settle disputes and earn/ lose huge amount of cash.

Other Information:

At the end of the duel, players are teleported out of the arena and have all their stats restored. Ammunition that would normally appear on the ground is returned to the player after the fight. The winner of the fight will receive both his own staked items and the staked items of his opponent. The special bar is also restored. If the player who won had boosted his stats with a potion, or with the dragon battle axe special, then those stats will remain boosted after the fight. However, the player who lost will get his stats returned to normal.

At the door is a scoreboard where players can see the last 50 duels to take place in the world, including the players levels, and the result.

Hope this was a good read, stay tuned!


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Posted by on June 6, 2011 in Combat PVP


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Dice Game/ Gamble

I’ve played Runescape for a long time, and money has always been an issue up untill recently.. Since the return of the “Free Trade” gambling has hit a new high on Runescape, one of my favorites being the “Dice Game”.

The way this works is, a “Dice Bag” is purchased and dice are rolled. If the number is over a set number, the gamer wins. If it’s below, the host wins. The player is generally rewarded with 2x or 3x their money. This game requires you to join a groups friend chat in order to play, if you are going to partake in this activity make sure the person you are playing with has a high rank in that group. As there is a higher chance of being scammed by low ranked members. An alternative version of this game exists where the player must instead guess the result of dice roll (usually using the two ten-sided dice).

My personal experience with this gambling method are varied, not to long ago I was so annoyed and bored with the game I decided to gamble a large amount of money to see what happened to my surprise I actually won a pot of 80M! The thing I found with the dice game is knowing when to stop, if you have a big win it’s so important to stop while your ahead because things can go extremely bad!

Hope this was an interesting read for you guys!



Posted by on June 6, 2011 in Misc Guides


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About/ Guide – Merchanting

Merchanting (Merching) is the act of purchasing an item at a low price and then selling that item at a higher price to generate profit. It is a popular method used by players to make money. This became much less common after the addition of the Grand Exchange. After the Grand Exchange update, it was no longer simple for merchants to act as an intermediary between an item buyer/supplier who seeks to easily sell and a seller/consumer who seeks to easily buy the GE replaced this. Some players, however, began using the Grand Exchange to make money in other ways long-term trend prediction, time-based arbitrage, price manipulation, GE to “real-price” arbitrage, and item conversion..

Remember: The safest investment is always cash! You will never lose money if it’s kept in good old GP; “When in doubt, pull out,” is the old market saying. This guide will help you make smart decisions on where to invest your money. Whether you’re a fighter looking to make some long-term money while you’re out killing dragons or a merchant looking for a safe source of income, investing can make you millions without ever leaving the Grand Exchange!

Many people want to know, Merchanting Methods.. Here’s a few to get your brain thinking GP’s 🙂

  • Investing: This involves predicting an item’s long-term price trend and then acting upon it.
  • High Frequency Trading: This method buys an item on the spread of 1gp and is usually on items that have high liquidity such as steel arrows or mithril bolts.
  • Flipping: This involves buying items with the intention of selling them at a slightly higher price in the short-term, often immediately after buying or even while buying as the 4-hour timer no longer prevents this.
  • Cheap Investing: Cheap investing is sometimes called a legal form of scamming.
  • Item Conversion: This category involves actually changing the items after buying them in some minor way for example, making sets from pieces of armour, or potion decanting.
  • Set Combining or Splitting: This involves buying armour sets and splitting them into component parts or buying the components of an armour set and making them into an armour set with the Grand Exchange.
  • Potion Decanting: This method involves buying (1), (2), or, (3) potions and using them on each other to make a profit.
  • Over-Night Flipping: This method is very similar to regular flipping.

These are just a few methods to get your money-making juices following, if anyone would like anymore information on merchanting I’d be happy to write a more in-depth article on any of the points I’ve picked up on within this post 🙂 Thanks a lot.


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Posted by on June 1, 2011 in Misc Guides


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New Wilderness (My Views)

Since before I can remember I’ve always been a huge fan of the Wilderness. I’ve always found the prospect of killing other online players quiet trilling.
In past years Runescape have made many changes to the way the Wilderness works, I thought the Bounty-Hunter craters and later release of PVP and the assorted drops we’re a huge addition to the game which made people killing a fun, thrilling and enjoying source of income.

Then in late December 2010 – January 2011 Runescape decided to bring back the old ways of the Wilderness giving us the chance to receive the exact items your opponent is wearing.. For most this update was the panicle of 2010 ‘The Return Of The Runescape Wilderness’ and admittedly I was one of the many people looking forward to the update.

But.. After a few days Pking, you release it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.. Fighting people with minimal risks prices of rune armour and other pking items dropping vastly in price meaning kills we’re worth almost nothing.. Then the release of the Korasi Sword, just to top it off.. People standing in the wilderness with nothing but a Strength Amulet and a Korasi Sword to PJ anyone left on the battlefield receiving a full loot while risking 3-4k to this day Pking is one of the most annoying and frustrating activities on Runescape and I can only hope! Something is done about it.

Maybe this was a slight rant, but nevermind, 🙂

Be sure to check out some awesome Pk videos here.

Vote for your favorite wilderness here: Wilderness Poll.



Posted by on June 1, 2011 in Combat Reviews


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Top 3 Runescape Pk Videos (Personally)

This was by no means an easy Top Five! So many great RuneScape players from the YouTube community throwing out some exceptional Player killing videos! But after scouring YouTube I’ve found five videos that make sitting around all weekend in your underwear truly worth it!

1) Ye Im Tank

First of is a video by  Ye Im Tank which has been edited and posted by itspaulftw. The video was posted on 12th November 2010 with a total of 29,035 views to date, which isn’t very many but this video is well worth a watch and will gain many more views over time.

The video contains high risk Player Killing with immense switches, high hits and fairly good loots. It also shows the use of the Chaotic Crossbow and the Chaotic Staff which are rather new editions to the game.

2) Hybr1d0wnz5 (Tannk)

3) Taco Limey

Next we have a video by YouTube user SignUp4Ko Player killing on his account “Taco Limey” with over 250,000 views on this video alone Taco Limey is proving to be one of the most popular player killers of the year!

Taco Limey was a RuneScape berserker pure for a long time, having 45 defence and player killing at lower levels, only recently has he maxed out his account and started player killing at higher levels and what a good decision he made! Making himself an ever more established player then before. Bigger hits, more variety, more armour and weapons has made Taco Limey an amazing player to watch.

Be sure to read my views on the wilderness here: Wilderness Review.
Also vote for your favorite wilderness type here.



Posted by on June 1, 2011 in Top 10s


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Ring Of Wealth (Updated)


* General information
* Teleports
* Charging The Ring
* Wealth-Increasing Abilities Of The Ring
* Ring Specific Drops
* Items
* Monsters
* Personal Experiences Using The Ring Of Wealth

General Information

The Ring Of Wealth, when worn, increases the chance of the player receiving more valuable drops when killing monsters and more valuable rewards when doing certain activities like Pyramid Plunder and Barrows.

The ring is created by enchanting a dragonstone ring this requires a magic level of 68. (See crafting guide on advice on how to make dragonstone rings)


As of 15th March 2011 the ring of wealth received many a chance, one of which being a teleport option on the right-click option of the ring. The teleports available are to the Grand Exchange (perfect for banking your loots quickly after monster killing) and miscellanea (this can be useful for treasure trails quests, and kingdom control) The number of charges remaining on a ring is displayed in parentheses at the end of the ring’s name.

Note; Murky Matt of the Grand Exchange will not currently combine charges on the ring, a service he provides for all other types of dragonstone jewellery.

Charging The Ring

The ring can be charged by using it on the Fountain of Heroes below the Heroes’ Guild, the same way an amulet of glory is charged. Accessing the Heroes’ Guild requires the completion of the Heroes’ Quest. When a ring (or amulet) is used on the fountain, all unnoted rings and amulets worn by the player or in the player’s inventory are recharged at once.

Charged rings are tradable, allowing players who have not completed the Heroes’ Quest to purchase pre-charged rings from other players on the Grand Exchange. Charging the ring of wealth and an amulet of glory at the same time.

At level 89 Summoning, a geyser titan can be used to recharge rings of wealth by using them on the familiar, the same as recharging an amulet of glory with the titan. This negates the need to travel to the Heroes’ Guild fountain for players of high summoning levels.

A few common methods of reaching the Heroes Guild include:

– Using a games necklace to teleport to Burthorpe Games Room, and running south to the Guild.

– Use a combat bracelet to teleport to the Warrior’s Guild then run south to the Heroes’ Guild.

– Teleporting to the POH portal near Taverley via Teleport to House or a Taverley tablet, and then running north.

Wealth-increasing abilities of the ring

According to a March 15, 2011 Jagex announcement, it slightly increases the drop chances of many rare items obtained from Slayer monsters and various bosses (for example, sigils from the corporeal beast).

I’ve put together a little list of some other areas the Ring is effective:

– Barrows

– Pyramid Plunder

– Bork

– Impetuous Impulses

– Clue Scrolls

– Evil Trees

– Shooting Stars

Once a valuable item is dropped a message will appear in the game chat, which can be filtered, informing the player that the ring of wealth had an effect on the drop for the player.

Ring Specific Drops

After the update the Ring also had a set of it’s very own unique drops! Some of which being rather valuable a short list of the drops and the monsters that drop these items have been put in the list below:


– Adamant Bolts (200)

– Air Orb (1000) Noted

– Adamantite Ore (640-800) Noted

– Battlestaff (200) Noted

– Big Bones (500) Noted

– Clean Toadflax (157-247) Noted

– Clean Snapdragon (100) Noted

– Clean Torstal (50-100) Noted

– Saradomin Brew(3) (2500) Noted

– Coal (5555-7493) Noted

– Fire Orb (1000) Noted

– Dragon Dagger (1-50) Noted

– Magic Seed (1-6)

– Onyx Bolts (150)

– Palm Tree Seed (10)

– Pure Essence (500-15000) Noted

– Raw Swordfish (1000) Noted

– Raw Shark (500) Noted

– Rune Arrow (150-200)

– Rune Bar (50-150) Noted

– Runite Ore (100) Noted

– Silver Ore (100) Noted

– Vecna Skull (1)

– Yew logs (3425-17826) Noted

– Yew Seed (1)

– Uncut Dragonstone (1)


-Aberrant spectre

– Abyssal demon

– Ankou

– Armoured zombie

– Aviansie

– Banshee

– Basilisk

– Black demon

– Black dragon

– Bloodveld

– Blue dragon

– Cave crawlers

– Cave horror

– Cave slime

– Catablepon

– Chaos druid

– Chaos dwarf hand cannoneer

– Chaos dwogre

– Chaos elemental

– Cockroach drone

– Cockroach soldier

– Cockroach worker

– Cockatrice

– Commander Zilyana

– Crawling Hand

– Dark beast

– Desert lizard

– Desert strykewyrm

– Dust devil

– Dagannoth Rex

– Dagannoth Supreme

– Dagannoth Prime

– Earth elemental

– Earth warrior

– Elf warrior (level 108)

– Fire elemental

– Fire giant

– Flesh crawler (level 35, and 41)

– Frost dragon

– Gargoyle

– General Graardor

– Ghast

– Ghostly warrior

– Giant mole

– Giant skeleton (level 80)

– Gorak

– Greater demon

– Green dragon

– Harpie bug swarm

– Hill giant

– Hobgoblin (Level 42)

– Ice giant

– Ice strykewyrm

– Ice troll male

– Ice troll female

– Ice troll runt

– Iron dragon

– Ice warrior

– Jelly

– Jogre

– Jungle strykewyrm

– Kalphite guardian

– Kalphite Queen (Level 333)

– Kalphite soldier

– Kalphite worker

– Killerwatt

– King Black Dragon

– Kraka

– Kree’arra

– K’ril Tsutsaroth

– Kurask

– Lesser demon

– Dagannoth (Lighthouse)

– Locust rider

– Mithril dragon

– Molanisk

– Moss giant

– Mountain troll

– Mummy

– Mutated bloodveld

– Nechryael

– Nex

– Ogre statue

– Otherworldly being

– Pee Hat

– Pyrefiend

– Rock crab

– Shadow warrior

– Skeleton (level 45)

– Skeletal wyvern

– Spiritual Mage

– Steel dragon

– Suqah

– Terror dog

– Thug

– Tormented demon

– Troll General

– Turoth

– TzHaar-Ket

– TzHaar-Xil

– Vampire (level 72)

– Wallasalki

– Waterfiend

– Water elemental

– Warped terrorbird

– Warped tortoise

– Wolfman

– Zombie (44)

– Zygomite

That about wraps things up. Hopefully having read this you’ll be fully updated on the new Ring Of Wealth.

Personal Experiences Using The Ring Of Wealth

Commencing the update I have a sum of 145 Ring Of Wealth of which I bought for 9-10k each the price almost doubled after the update therefore made a nice amount of profit. My current slayer level is 90, I’ve used the Ring Of Wealth for many of my tasks and so far have received, 98 Clean Torstals, 200 Raw Swordfish and 1,000 Air Orbs. In my next article I’ll update you of any more drops I’ve received and give a more in-depth review of the ring.

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Posted by on June 1, 2011 in Update Reviews


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