Tag Archives: Runescape Pking

Take Part In My First Poll!


Posted by on June 1, 2011 in Combat Polls, Polls


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New Wilderness (My Views)

Since before I can remember I’ve always been a huge fan of the Wilderness. I’ve always found the prospect of killing other online players quiet trilling.
In past years Runescape have made many changes to the way the Wilderness works, I thought the Bounty-Hunter craters and later release of PVP and the assorted drops we’re a huge addition to the game which made people killing a fun, thrilling and enjoying source of income.

Then in late December 2010 – January 2011 Runescape decided to bring back the old ways of the Wilderness giving us the chance to receive the exact items your opponent is wearing.. For most this update was the panicle of 2010 ‘The Return Of The Runescape Wilderness’ and admittedly I was one of the many people looking forward to the update.

But.. After a few days Pking, you release it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.. Fighting people with minimal risks prices of rune armour and other pking items dropping vastly in price meaning kills we’re worth almost nothing.. Then the release of the Korasi Sword, just to top it off.. People standing in the wilderness with nothing but a Strength Amulet and a Korasi Sword to PJ anyone left on the battlefield receiving a full loot while risking 3-4k to this day Pking is one of the most annoying and frustrating activities on Runescape and I can only hope! Something is done about it.

Maybe this was a slight rant, but nevermind, 🙂

Be sure to check out some awesome Pk videos here.

Vote for your favorite wilderness here: Wilderness Poll.



Posted by on June 1, 2011 in Combat Reviews


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Top 3 Runescape Pk Videos (Personally)

This was by no means an easy Top Five! So many great RuneScape players from the YouTube community throwing out some exceptional Player killing videos! But after scouring YouTube I’ve found five videos that make sitting around all weekend in your underwear truly worth it!

1) Ye Im Tank

First of is a video by  Ye Im Tank which has been edited and posted by itspaulftw. The video was posted on 12th November 2010 with a total of 29,035 views to date, which isn’t very many but this video is well worth a watch and will gain many more views over time.

The video contains high risk Player Killing with immense switches, high hits and fairly good loots. It also shows the use of the Chaotic Crossbow and the Chaotic Staff which are rather new editions to the game.

2) Hybr1d0wnz5 (Tannk)

3) Taco Limey

Next we have a video by YouTube user SignUp4Ko Player killing on his account “Taco Limey” with over 250,000 views on this video alone Taco Limey is proving to be one of the most popular player killers of the year!

Taco Limey was a RuneScape berserker pure for a long time, having 45 defence and player killing at lower levels, only recently has he maxed out his account and started player killing at higher levels and what a good decision he made! Making himself an ever more established player then before. Bigger hits, more variety, more armour and weapons has made Taco Limey an amazing player to watch.

Be sure to read my views on the wilderness here: Wilderness Review.
Also vote for your favorite wilderness type here.



Posted by on June 1, 2011 in Top 10s


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My First Post!

Your reading the first introduction post of my new Blog! This blog is purely for guides and help within the game of Runescape, I hope all content I post within the blog helps you achieve in or understand the game of Runescape.
As it’s my first post I may aswell let you know about my Runescape account.

Username: Matlocked
Combat Level:
Total Level:

95/99 Prayer
95/99 Herblore
95/ 99 Dungeoneering
86/ 96 Summoning
91/ 99 Slayer

As I said just an introduction post really, stay posted for more.



Posted by on June 1, 2011 in About Me


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